And we’re back

Well…. sorta.

Guys, I have news. Like, really big news. In a few months I will be moving to Australia! I am actually stealing wifi from a fancy little coffee shop in Bondi Beach as I write this post.

I know it’s been a long time (too long!) since I’ve last posted here. My radio silence over the past couple months was in part due to much of the preparation I’d been making to start my transition to Sydney and wrap things up in Toronto. I still have work to do, of course, but now I feel like I have a little more free time to spend on my favourite things — like napping. And reminiscing about my travels. And writing about them!

I’ve spent three glorious weeks here and will soon be headed back to Toronto to spend time with my fam and friends, plan a big ol’ going away party, and to work out the details of my employment for my Aussie visa before I make the final move. I am beyond excited to be starting this new chapter of my life in such an amazing and beautiful country and I’m so happy I have so many people supporting me in my decision to move there!

I’m not going to make any guarantees about how often I will be able to update my blog in the future, but do know that I plan on sharing all the fun/weird/cool/interesting things I experience while living abroad.

Be back soon(ish)!

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