Muffins & other things to be thankful for

50_happyMuffinsI’m thankful for lots of things — first and foremost my fam and friends, and their good health (and mine!). But I’m also thankful for the little things in life that might not be that important in the grand scheme of things, but make me happy nonetheless. Things like hot mugs of coffee, happy cats, good food, cheesy movies, cheesy jokes, um.. cheese, online shopping, crackling fireplaces, warm woolly socks, hockey games, new shoes, planning vacations, dinner dates, and wine. Oh, and long weekends that give me time to unwind and bake yummy, mostly healthy pumpkin muffins. Which I may or may not be able to eat tomorrow… I’ve eaten SO MUCH FOOD this weekend it’s kind of obscene. I guess that’s what I get for doing back to back dinners, lunches, teas, other dinners and brunches with coworkers, friends, fam and extended fam over the span of three days. Shame on me. I may never eat again.

Welp, Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canucks! Hope you enjoy the last few hours of freedom before going back to the grind. Now please excuse me while I go lie back down and succumb to my food coma.

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