There are worse things to have for dinner than guac & salsa



Lately I’ve been doing my best to curb an unhealthy after work snack habit with veggies and hummus, or clementines and coconut water.. which pretty much covers my bases with the salty/sweet/crunchy cravings. Sometimes, though, all it takes is one bad day (or simple laziness) for you to think you need ice cream/doritos/insert your vice here for dinner. And I would just like to say that sometimes it’s in your best interest to have that ice cream, or you might find yourself going through an entire bag of baby carrots in one sitting before you realize you’re still hungry and unsatisfied and that a single bowl of ice cream for dinner isn’t the end of the world. At least this is what I tell myself.

This is also the reasoning behind why I decided to make guac and salsa to have with corn chips for dinner tonight instead of something healthier like a salad. Granted I could have made worse choices.


It’s pretty much the easiest thing to make ever. All you need is to chop up some tomato, onion, garlic and cilantro, put in a bowl and add a little lemon juice to the mix. (Confession, I actually used spinach here because I thought I had cilantro on hand but didn’t. Also spinach is good for you!). Mash your avo in another bowl and add whatever you like to make your guac. For me it’s a combo of garlic, lemon, red onion, chili powder and hot pepper flakes.

20_makinGuacFrom this..
20_justGuacTo this! It looks worse than what I started with, but it’s sooo tasty.

At this time I’ll note that the extra prep for cutting veggies could have gone into making a salad. In fact, all of this stuff together would probably make a tasty one — something I’ll have to try another time because tonight I wanted the guac.

Snack happy, people.

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